Zaerrgal Khogoeng (world)

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Alien Moon 57b-0.jpg
Zaerrgal Khogoeng/Kfirzin (Ngathksirz 0904)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere9 Dense (tainted)
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population4 Moderate (30 thousand)
Government4 Representative Democracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech Level2 Pre-Industrial (printing)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary G4 III
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 5

Zaerrgal Khogoeng is a pre-agricultural and nonindustrial world lacking adequate development for its economy to become prosperous.

  • As a nonindustrial world, it requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. The need to import most manufactured and high technology goods drives the price of these goods up in the open market.
  • It is a Non-Aligned world dominated by Vargr sophonts located in the Kfirzin Subsector of Ngathksirz Sector.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a solitary primary star.

  • It is a turbulent yellow giant.
Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a solitary primary star.
Solitary Giant G Type 2.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
G4 III Giant 3.06 4800 - 5700 70
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0951 0.69396 6.65 - 10.84 9.51 95.1
Orbit #  * 2 7 7 10
Remarks Unstable pulsating star. It produces high levels of EM noise.

System Data[edit]

The worlds of the system have been surveyed. They consist of:

Mainworld Data[edit]

Mainworld Size (S)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng is a Meso World between 8,800km and 10,400km in diameter. The world has a standard gravity between 0.6G and 0.8G. The horizon will appear about 4.4km away.

Mainworld Atmosphere (A)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a pressure of 1.50 to 2.49 atmospheres. While a Dense Atmosphere requires no survival gear this atmosphere also contains an unusual taint such as such as disease, a hazardous gas mix, pollutants, or sulfur compounds which requires the use of a Filter Mask. Some taints may require more protective equipment. TL–3 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.

Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has 65-75% of its surface covered by liquid water. It has significant large liquid bodies. Wilderness refueling is possible.

Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]

No centrally held map of the world exists within AAB Library Data records.

Blank World Map Watery.png
(Blank map, predominantly watery world.)

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

World Starport (St)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a Class E Starport, a frontier quality installation with few expected amenities. There is unrefined fuel for starships and a limited variety of ship provisions. There is no shipyard of any kind, but there may be parts and technical support for doing minor services and repair. Ports of this classification generally consist of a downport.

World Population (P)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a population of 30,000 sophonts (tens of thousands).

  • This is a Nonindustrial World, too small to support the complete chain of production of most goods from start to finish.
  • The population entirely consists of Vargr.

World Technology Level (T)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng possesses a Technology Level of TL–2.

World Government (G)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng is governed by a Representative Democracy where government leadership is representatives elected by eligible voters. What determines an eligible voter varies. The representatives determine policy, including selecting members of the bureaucracy. There can be referendum, votes by eligible voters on specific subjects.

World Law (L)[edit]

Zaerrgal Khogoeng has a high law level with laws covering many areas of interactions of people, corporations, and the government. A few worlds with this law level may be Amber Zones. Any interaction with the judicial system requires an Advocate trained in the local legal system. Law enforcement is present almost everywhere, either as people or via technology. Legal proceedings can take weeks to months to resolve and involve a dozen or more people. All objects specifically manufactured as weapons are typically regulated or prohibited (outside private residences or visiting starships).

Trade Data[edit]

  • Importance: -3 (very unimportant)

World Economy[edit]

  • Resources: 8 (moderate)
  • Labor: 3 (thousands)
  • Infrastructure: 2 (extremely limited)
  • Efficiency: +5 (very advanced)

World Culture[edit]

  • Heterogenity: 6 (harmonious)
  • Acceptance: 1 (extremely xenophobic)
  • Strangeness: 1 (very typical)
  • Symbols: 1 (extremely concrete)

World Timeline[edit]

Major events that have affected this world and the wider region that it lies within:

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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